Life Lately #3

Oh hi, remember me? I used to have a blog once...

To be honest, I doubt anyone has noticed my lack of blogging. I've still managed to push the odd post live, but most of my content has been sat in draft form for months upon months. I have a post about a trip to London that's almost finished. I went to London in March. When I do publish a post I forget to promote it, so no-one actually reads them. Well done, Laura.

So, what happened?

My job is partially to blame for the lack of promotion - when you work in social media all day, you don't really want to come home and schedule tweets. But the main reason is that 2018 has been a bloody awful year so far.

Things started off okay, but at the end of January I experienced a bereavement in my family that completely threw me off course. It was sudden and devastated my family, and it will take a long time to heal. In fact, I know that it's not going to heal. It'll never be the same again.

But I am making progress. I've got a year under my belt at work, helping to boost my confidence, I'm finally learning to drive and I've been making progress with my counsellor. I'm getting stronger. And hopefully, this will help the blogging come back. With all this nice weather we've been having, it'd be a shame not to make the most of it for flatlays!

I used to primarily blog about makeup, but maybe it's time to shake things up a little...

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